Game Name: Prize HunterPrize Hunter
Fun rating 9/10
This is a fun game where you spin to get a number to see which column you move into. There's a 3 of a kind prize match, plus multiple prizes for collecting different items. Mini games are fun including one whwre you pick two rows and see if you've got more coins than them - and this can add two extra tokens to your score board. There are also instant win prizes if you land on the right squares. Another mini game is to pick a chest - again you can win tokens for the main board. Another is to open 6 of 9 clam shells and match three tokens to win that piece for your prize board.
On the game plays I've had I've had a couple of £2 wins
You can win more than one piece sometimes on the mini games

Game Price: £2.00
There is a 1 in 2.89 overall chance of winning a Prize on each Play of the Game.
By choosing "Continue" on the "Buy Instant Win Game" page a Player is committed to the purchase of a Play, and the value of the purchase will be deducted from his National Lottery Account.

In playing this Game, Players acknowledge that it is a game of chance, that the outcome of a Play in the Game is pre-determined by the Interactive System at the point of purchase, and that the winning of a Prize in the Game does not involve the exercise of any skill or judgement by a Player.
Play Style, Play Symbols and determining a Valid Winning Play for Prize Hunter
A Play Number is allocated to each Play, which can be found at the foot of the Game Play Window.
At the start of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window where a short introduction movie is played that sets the scene for the Game.
The words "SKIP INTRO" appear in the movie. If the Player clicks this button at any point in the movie, the Player will be taken straight to the Game Play Window.
When the movie ends, the Game Play Window displays a bridge ("Bridge") made up of 48 stones laid out in 8 rows and 6 columns which are labelled from 1 to 6. The Bridge represents the male character's route from the grassy side of the bank towards the ruined temple on the other side of the river gorge. Each stone may contain: a) one of the 11 treasure symbols repeated in the Main Prize Table (as defined below) (a "Treasure Symbol Stone"); or b) an instant win prize (an "Instant Win Stone"); or c) a unicorn prize symbol (the "Unicorn Stone"); or d) a key prize symbol (the "Key Stone"); or e) the words 'MINI GAME' (the "Mini Game Stone").
The male character is the Player's playing piece and starts on the grass at the left hand side of the Bridge.
On the walls of the ruined temple are: a) a scroll with the heading "Instant Win" (the "Instant Win Table"); b) a table of 7 rows with between 2 to 8 empty treasure motifs in each row and a different monetary amount to the right of each row (the "Main Prize Table"); c) a table containing 3 empty unicorn motifs and a monetary amount above it (the "Unicorn Prize Table"); and d) a table containing 3 empty key motifs and a monetary amount above it (the "Key Prize Table").
At the bottom right of the Game Play Window is a hand holding a wheel divided into 12 segments with each set of 6 segments being numbered in order from 1 to 6. There is also a column indicator at the top of the wheel that indicates the column where the male character must move and the instruction "SPIN" in the centre (the "Spinner"). The Spinner is used to move the male character to the next row of stones in the column indicated. The male character can only move one row forward per spin. The words "8 SPINS TO GO" (the "Spins Left Indicator") are displayed under the Spinner.
To commence a Play, the Player must use his mouse to position his cursor on the instruction "SPIN" at the centre of the Spinner. The Spinner will rotate and then stop with the column indicator pointing at a numbered segment. If the male character is not already aligned with the relevant column, the male character will then turn left or right and move forward to the relevant column before turning left or right again to face the ruin and will then jump forward one row to land on the destination stone in the relevant column. A Player initially has 8 spins with which to move across the Bridge. After each spin, the Spins Left Indicator will indicate how many spins remain in that Play. The Player should then position his mouse over the instruction "SPIN" to continue the Play.
As soon as the word 'SPIN' becomes clickable again for the next move, it will pulse red. At the same time, the male character on the main game board will wave his hand in the air to indicate that the Player should continue to play by positioning their cursor over the pulsing 'SPIN' button and click.
The consequences of the Player's playing piece landing on a particular stone are detailed below.
1) If the Player's playing piece lands on a Treasure Symbol Stone, the prize symbol on that square will enlarge in the foreground of the Game Play Window and will then move towards the Main Prize Table where the corresponding empty treasure symbols will be replaced by the prize symbol. Collecting one specific treasure symbol will populate all the corresponding empty treasure motifs in the Main Prize Table. The Treasure Symbol Stone landed on will now be empty. If the Player collects all of the treasure motifs in a row in the Main Prize Table, stars will appear in that row of the Main Prize Table to indicate that the Player has won the monetary amount for that row.
2) If the Player's playing piece lands on a Unicorn Stone, the unicorn prize symbol will enlarge in the foreground of the Game Play Window and will then move towards the Unicorn Prize Table where one of the corresponding empty unicorn motifs will be replaced by the unicorn prize symbol. The Unicorn Stone landed on will now be empty. The Player must collect one unicorn prize symbol to populate one prize motif in the Unicorn Prize Table. If the Player lands on three Unicorn Stones and populates all three empty unicorn motifs in the Unicorn Prize Table, stars will appear in that row of the Unicorn Prize Table to indicate that the Player has won £10.
3) If the Player's playing piece lands on a Key Stone, the key prize symbol will enlarge in the foreground of the Game Play Window and will then move towards the Key Prize Table where one of the corresponding empty key motifs will be replaced by the key prize symbol. The Key Stone landed on will now be empty. The Player must collect one key prize symbol to populate one prize motif in the Key Prize Table. If the Player lands on three Key Stones and populates all three empty key motifs in the Key Prize Table, stars will appear in that row of the Key Prize Table to indicate that the Player has won £5.
4) If the Player's playing piece lands on an Instant Win Stone, the instant win prize symbol will enlarge in the foreground of the Game Play Window and will then move into the Instant Win Prize Table. The Instant Win Stone will now be empty.
5) If the Player's playing piece lands on a Mini Game square, one of 3 Mini Games will pop up and be displayed in the Game Play Window; Mini Game 1 "Statue"; Mini Game 2 "Chests" or Mini Game 3 "Shells".
(a) Mini Game 1 "Statue"
The Player is presented with the male character and a statue with 3 sets of arms representing 3 different rows. Each row is labelled on the right of the screen with ROW 1, ROW 2 and ROW 3 and each row contains 2 bags of the same colour, three bags above the heading "THEIRS", three bags above the heading "YOURS", and three "?" motifs above the heading "REWARD". At the bottom of the Game Play Window there is the instruction "Choose 2 from 3 rows of bags to play. Find more coins in YOURS than THEIRS to win a REWARD for that row." To play the Mini Game, the Player should position his cursor over each of the bag motifs in the rows they have chosen to play and click to reveal the number of coins in the bags labelled YOURS and THEIRS. The Player should also position his cursor over the "?" in each of the rows he has chosen to reveal one of the following: a) a treasure prize symbol; b) a unicorn prize symbol; c) a key prize symbol; or d) an instant win prize symbol.
In a row, if the number of coins in the bag labelled YOURS is greater than the number of coins in the bag labelled THEIRS, the Player will win the corresponding prize symbol or an instant win prize symbol for that row. The words "Mini Game" will then change to "Continue" in the instruction box.
(b) Mini Game 2 "Chests"
The Player is presented with the male character, 3 chests of different colours and the instruction "Pick 1 chest to open and reveal a prize symbol." To play the Mini Game, the Player should use his mouse to position his cursor over any one of the chests and click. The male character will move towards the selected chest which will open to reveal one of the following: a) a treasure prize symbol; b) two different treasure prize symbols, c) a unicorn prize symbol; d) two unicorn prize symbols; e) a unicorn prize symbol and a treasure prize symbol; f) a unicorn prize symbol and an instant win prize symbol; g) a key prize symbol; h) two key prize symbols; i) a key prize symbol and a treasure prize symbol; j) a key symbol and an instant win prize symbol; k) a key prize symbol and a unicorn prize symbol; or l) an instant win symbol. The words "Mini Game" will then change to "Continue" in the instruction box.
(c) Mini Game 3 "Shells"
The Player is presented with an under water scene containing the male character, 9 shells and the instruction: "Open 6 of the 9 shells. Match 3 like prize symbols to win one of those symbols." To play the Mini Game, the Player should use his mouse to position his cursor over any 6 of the shells, one at a time, and click. The selected shells will open to reveal one of the following: a) a treasure prize symbol; b) a unicorn prize symbol; c) a key prize symbol or d) an instant win prize symbol. The words "Mini Game" will then change to "Continue" in the instruction box.
To complete a Mini Game the player should use his mouse to position his cursor over "CONTINUE" and click. Once the Player has done so, any treasure prize symbols, unicorn prize symbols, key prize symbols and/or instant wins will zoom into the foreground and the Mini Game will close. The treasure prize symbol(s) won in the Mini Game will move towards the Main Prize Table where the corresponding empty prize motifs will be populated by those treasure prize symbol(s). The unicorn prize symbol(s) will move towards the Unicorn Prize Table where the corresponding number of prize motifs will be replaced by the number of empty unicorn prize symbols. The key prize symbol(s) will move towards the Key Prize Table where the corresponding number of empty prize motifs will be replaced by the number of key prize symbols. The instant win symbol will move into the Instant Win Table.
A Player's Play ends when he has exhausted all his spins. The male character will make his final jump forward to the other side of the bridge and either leap in the air in celebration or drop to his knees in disappointment. At the same time a message will appear in a gold box covering the Spinner informing the Player of the total amount he has won, if any, (including any Instant Win amounts in respect of the Instant Wins table and any amounts won in respect of the Unicorn Prize table, and/or the Key Prize table, and/or the Main Prize Table) and detailing that he must "click 'CONTINUE' to finish the game".
Prize amounts and odds of winning are as detailed in the table below:
Prize Amount | Approx. odds (1 in x) |
£2 | 5 |
£2 | 16 |
£5 | 21 |
£5 | 75 |
£7 (£2 + £5) | 250 |
£10 | 500 |
£17 (£2 + £5 + £10) | 151 |
£17 (£2+ £5 + £10) | 151 |
£20 (£5 + £5 + £10) | 830 |
£20 | 2,000 |
£25 | 3,502 |
£25 | 3,502 |
£30 (£25+ £5) | 5,000 |
£50 (£25 + £25) | 6,511 |
£50 | 17,007 |
£70 (£50 + £20) | 50,000 |
£100 | 83,334 |
£150 (£100 + £25 + £25) | 250,000 |
£500 | 833,334 |
£2,500 | 1,250,000 |
£50,000 | 2,500,000 |
Only one Prize Amount can be won per Play as detailed in the Prize Amounts and Odds table above.
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these Game Procedures - Prize Hunter (of which the above How to Play section forms part) and any other information issued by the Company in respect of this Game, the Game Procedures - Prize Hunter will prevail.
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