Play Dream Number online at the National Lottery site
What is Dream Number?
Dream Number is a draw-based game that offers prizes of up to £500,000.
You can play Dream Number alongside Lotto or by itself. Play the 7-digit Dream Number shown on the Lotto play slip or pick Lucky Dip for a new random number. Entries cost £1 each.
To win, match the digits drawn in the same order as your Dream Number, reading from left to right, and starting with the first digit.
What could I win?*
Match all seven digits - £500,000
Match first six digits - £50,000
Match first five digits - £5,000
Match first four digits - £500
Match first three digits - £100
Match first two digits - £10
Match first digit - £2
*Depending on the number of winners overall and per prize category, prizes may on occasion be less than stated above. See Dream Number Game Procedures for details.
How do I play Dream Number online?
You can play your Dream Number alongside Lotto, or by itself. Simply click ‘Yes’ under ‘Play Dream Number’ on the play slip. You can either play the Dream Number shown or click ‘Lucky Dip’ for a new random number (if you change your mind and want to play the orginal number shown, just click ‘Clear’).
Use the ‘Choose draws’ and ‘Choose number of weeks’ lists at the bottom of the play slip to choose which draws you wish to play. You can buy up to 8 weeks’ worth of tickets at a time, starting from the next draw.
When your play slip is complete, click ‘Play Now’. You’ll be asked to sign in, or open a National Lottery Account if you don’t already have one already. Once you’ve confirmed your numbers, your ticket will be shown, and the details stored safely in your Account.
Although you can play Dream Number with Lotto using the standard play slip, please note that you cannot currently play Dream Number using the Buy Multiple Tickets play slips.
Where are my ticket details kept?
National Lottery will keep your ticket details safe and secure in your National Lottery Account, so you can view them online whenever you like (except when their system is closed for maintenance).
Once you’ve signed in, select the ‘My Account’ tab. Under ‘My online tickets’, click ‘Current tickets’ to view your ticket details.
What happens if I win?
For convenience, most winnings will be paid directly to your National Lottery Account or your debit card. You can claim your prize the day immediately after you win it. Here’s how we pay you:
Wins of up to £500
These will be paid directly to your Account. You can either transfer them to your debit card or use them to play more games.
Wins of £501 to £5,000
These are paid directly to your debit card, so you can quickly start to enjoy them!
Wins of over £5,000
Wins over £5,000 must be claimed by calling our Interactive Customer Care Team on 0845 278 8000, and will be paid by cheque.
Who receives the Good Causes money?
By playing Dream Number you'll be playing your part in London 2012. All Good Causes money from Dream Number will go toward raising the funding required to stage the Games.
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