I'd have won £17 if I'd been playing this one for cash!
Play Farm a Fortune at the National Lottery
Farm a Fortune
At the start of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying a board consisting of 36 squares arranged around a farm scene (the 'Board') and one square at the bottom of the Board labeled 'START' on which the playing piece (the 'Farmer') is positioned. The squares on the board are empty (with a directional arrow on them), or contain either: a) different prize symbols including a cow, a hen, a pig, a duck, a sheep, a carrot, an onion, a corn, a tomato or a cauliflower (the "Prize Symbols"); b) different monetary amounts (the "Instant Prizes"); c) a
; d) a
; or e) the words Mini Game (the 'Mini Game Square'). In the bottom left of the Game Play Window is two dice in a wooden circle (the "Dice") which also includes the number of goes remaining (the "Rolls Left Indicator"). Silhouettes of the Prize Symbols are arranged in a table at the top right of the Game Play Window, on a barn wall, with a monetary amount to the left of each row of symbols (the "Prize Table"). To the right of this, in the doorway of the barn, is a sign labeled 'INSTANT PRIZE' (the 'Instant Prize Table'). To the top left of the Game Play Window, there is a tractor and trailer, on the back of which is 3 dimmed down squares and two monetary amounts under the second and third square (the "Bonus Prizes Table"). Above the Bonus Prize Table is the following instruction: 'Find 2 or more
to win'.

An instruction will be displayed to the bottom of the Game Play Window. The instruction is as follows: 'Roll the dice to move the Farmer collecting symbols to win PRIZES'
The Dice will pulse from the start of a Play and to commence a Play, the Player must use his mouse to position his cursor on the Dice and click. As soon as the Player moves his mouse over the wooden circle the pulse will stop and will resume if, a) the Player becomes inactive, or b) the Farmer has moved around the board and the Dice are clickable again.
Once the Player has clicked on the Dice, the Dice will quickly zoom forward and spin, then slow down to show the resulting face and zoom back down to rest in the Game Play Window. At the same time, the Goes Left Indicator will reduce by 1.
The Farmer will start on the START Square to the bottom left of the Board and will move forward in a clockwise direction the required number of Squares as dictated by the number of pips showing on the Die. At the same time these pips will turn black one after another to count down the number of squares the Famer has moved.
The consequence of the Farmer landing on a particular square is detailed below:
1. If the Farmer lands on one of the aforementioned Prize Symbols, that symbol will zoom into the foreground and move into the Prize Table populating all of the corresponding silhouettes and leaving a blank square behind on the Board. If the Player completes a row in the Prize Table, that row and the associated Prize will highlight to indicate that the Player has won the amount shown for that row.
2. If the Farmer lands on one of the Instant Prizes, the Instant Prize will zoom into the foreground and move into the Instant Prize Table in the doorway of the barn. The Instant Prize will then highlight to indicate that the Player has won that amount.
3. If the Farmer lands on one of the
, the
will zoom into the foreground and move into the Bonus Prize Table. If the Player collects two or more
, he will win the associated Bonus Prize.

4. If the Farmer lands on one of the
, a new window will open displaying an instruction to inform the player that either he is to move to one of the Mini Games, or that he has collected an Extra Roll. The CONTINUE button will flash informing the Player that he must click it to continue play. If the Player is instructed to go to one of the Mini Games, on clicking the CONTINUE button, the window will disappear and the Farmer will move, via the shortest route, to that Mini Game. If the Player collects an Extra Roll, on clicking the CONTINUE button, the window will disappear and the Extra Roll symbol will zoom into the foreground and move to the Rolls Left Indicator.

5. If the Farmer lands on a Mini Game Square one of 3 themed Mini Games will be displayed in the Game Play Window; Mini Game 1 "STABLES", Mini Game 2 "COW SHED" or Mini Game 3 "CHICKEN COOP"
a) Mini Game 1 'STABLES': The Player is presented with three Horses in their stable and hanging next to each is a bridle bag. Underneath these the instruction is as follows: 'Pick one bridle bag to reveal what's inside.' To play the Mini Game the Player should use his mouse to position his cursor over any one of the bridle bags and click. If the Player reveals a 'NO PRIZE' symbol an instruction will appear informing the Player to click 'CONTINUE' to resume the game. If the Player reveals an Extra Roll, a Prize Symbol, a
, or an Instant Prize, an instruction will appear informing the Player of one of the following outcomes:

- If the Player collects an Extra Roll, an instruction will inform the Player that he has been awarded an Extra Roll and the CONTINUE button will pulse to indicate that the Player should click this to continue the game. When the Player does so, the extra roll will be left on the Mini Game Square and will zoom into the foreground and move to the Rolls Left Indicator.
- If the Player collects one of the Prize Symbols, an instruction will inform the Player that he has collected that Prize Symbol and the CONTINUE button will pulse to indicate that the Player should click this to continue the game. When the Player does so, the Prize Symbol will be left on the Mini Game Square and will zoom into the foreground and move to the Prize Table.
- If the Player collects a
, an instruction will inform the Player that he has collected a 'Bonus' and the CONTINUE button will pulse to indicate that the Player should click this to continue the game. When the Player does so, the
will be left on the Mini Game Square and will zoom into the foreground and move to the Bonus Table.

- If the Player wins an Instant Prize, an instruction will inform the Player that he has won that Prize and the CONTINUE button will pulse to indicate that the Player should click this to continue the game. When the Player does so, the Instant Prize will be left on the Mini Game Square and will zoom into the foreground and move to the Instant Prize Table.
b) Mini Game 2 'COW SHED'. The Player is presented with six milk churns at the top of the Mini Game window, underneath which are two jugs labeled 'YOUR LEVEL' and 'THEIR LEVEL'. At the bottom of the Mini Game Window the instruction is as follows: 'Pick 3 of the 6 milk churns to pour into your jug. If YOUR LEVEL is higher than THEIR LEVEL collect PRIZE.' To play the Mini Game the Player should use his mouse to position his cursor over three of the six milk churns and the Prize and click. This can be done in any order the Player chooses. On doing so, the three chosen milk churns will empty into the YOUR LEVEL jug and the remaining three will empty into the THEIR LEVEL jug. If the YOUR LEVEL is higher than THEIR LEVEL, he will win the Prize shown and an instruction will appear informing the Player of one of the aforementioned outcomes in the STABLES Mini Game. If THEIR LEVEL is higher than YOUR LEVEL, an instruction will appear informing the Player to click 'CONTINUE' to resume the game.
c) Mini Game 3 'CHICKEN COOP'. The Player is presented with five hens and a Prize Motif to the right of them. Under the hens and to the right is a sign labeled 'EGGS' and to the left of this the instruction is as follows: 'Choose 3 hens to lay an egg. Match 3 EGGS to collect PRIZE.' To play the Mini Game the Player should use his mouse to position his cursor over three of the five hens and the Prize and click. This can be done in any order the Player chooses. If the player matches 3 EGGS, he will win the Prize shown and an instruction will appear informing the Player of one of the aforementioned outcomes in the STABLES Mini Game. If the Player does not match the 3 Eggs, an instruction will appear informing the Player to click 'CONTINUE' to resume the game.
A Player's Play ends when he has exhausted all his rolls of the die. A message will appear in the centre of the Game Play Window informing the Player of the total amount he has won if any (including any Instant Prize amounts, and/or Bonus Prize amounts, and/or Prize Table amounts) and detailing that he must 'Click FINISH to complete the game'.
Farm a Fortune
This Game ("the Game") is subject to these Game Procedures ("the Procedures"), the Rules for Interactive Instant Win Games ("the Rules") and the Interactive Account Terms and Conditions which can be found at the National Lottery website (www.national-lottery.co.uk). The meaning of any word or term in the Procedures shall be as defined in the Rules unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
Game Name: Farm a Fortune
Game Price: £2.00
There is a 1 in 3.57 overall chance of winning a Prize on each Play of the Game. The Expected Prize Payout Percentage for this game is 64.00%.
By choosing "Continue" on the "Buy Instant Win Game" page a Player is committed to the purchase of a Play, and the value of the purchase will be deducted from his National Lottery Account.
In playing this Game, Players acknowledge that it is a game of chance, that the outcome of a Play in the Game is pre-determined by the Interactive System at the point of purchase, and that the winning of a Prize in the Game does not involve the exercise of any skill or judgement by a Player.
If a Player or a Prospective Player is playing the Try Game version of this Game they acknowledge that they are not purchasing a Play and therefore the Game Price is not relevant and there are no Prizes.
Play Style, Play Symbols and determining a Valid Winning Play for Farm a Fortune
A Play Number is allocated to each Play, which can be found at the top right of the Game Play Window.
At the start of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying a board consisting of 36 squares arranged around a farm scene (the 'Board') and one square at the bottom of the Board labeled 'START' on which the playing piece (the 'Farmer') is positioned. The squares on the board are empty (with a directional arrow on them), or contain either: a) different prize symbols including a cow, a hen, a pig, a duck, a sheep, a carrot, an onion, a corn, a tomato or a cauliflower (the "Prize Symbols"); b) different monetary amounts (the "Instant Prizes"); c) a
; d) a
; or e) the words Mini Game (the 'Mini Game Square'). In the bottom left of the Game Play Window is two dice in a wooden circle (the "Dice") which also includes the number of goes remaining (the "Rolls Left Indicator"). Silhouettes of the Prize Symbols are arranged in a table at the top right of the Game Play Window, on a barn wall, with a monetary amount to the left of each row of symbols (the "Prize Table"). To the right of this, in the doorway of the barn, is a sign labeled 'INSTANT PRIZE' (the 'Instant Prize Table'). To the top left of the Game Play Window, there is a tractor and trailer, on the back of which is 3 dimmed down squares and two monetary amounts under the second and third square (the "Bonus Prizes Table"). Above the Bonus Prize Table is the following instruction: 'Find 2 or more
to win'.

An instruction will be displayed to the bottom of the Game Play Window. The instruction is as follows: 'Roll the dice to move the Farmer collecting symbols to win PRIZES'
The Dice will pulse from the start of a Play and to commence a Play, the Player must use his mouse to position his cursor on the Dice and click. As soon as the Player moves his mouse over the wooden circle the pulse will stop and will resume if, a) the Player becomes inactive, or b) the Farmer has moved around the board and the Dice are clickable again.
Once the Player has clicked on the Dice, the Dice will quickly zoom forward and spin, then slow down to show the resulting face and zoom back down to rest in the Game Play Window. At the same time, the Goes Left Indicator will reduce by 1.
The Farmer will start on the START Square to the bottom left of the Board and will move forward in a clockwise direction the required number of Squares as dictated by the number of pips showing on the Die. At the same time these pips will turn black one after another to count down the number of squares the Famer has moved.
The consequence of the Farmer landing on a particular square is detailed below:
1. If the Farmer lands on one of the aforementioned Prize Symbols, that symbol will zoom into the foreground and move into the Prize Table populating all of the corresponding silhouettes and leaving a blank square behind on the Board. If the Player completes a row in the Prize Table, that row and the associated Prize will highlight to indicate that the Player has won the amount shown for that row.
2. If the Farmer lands on one of the Instant Prizes, the Instant Prize will zoom into the foreground and move into the Instant Prize Table in the doorway of the barn. The Instant Prize will then highlight to indicate that the Player has won that amount.
3. If the Farmer lands on one of the
, the
will zoom into the foreground and move into the Bonus Prize Table. If the Player collects two or more
, he will win the associated Bonus Prize.

4. If the Farmer lands on one of the
, a new window will open displaying an instruction to inform the player that either he is to move to one of the Mini Games, or that he has collected an Extra Roll. The CONTINUE button will flash informing the Player that he must click it to continue play. If the Player is instructed to go to one of the Mini Games, on clicking the CONTINUE button, the window will disappear and the Farmer will move, via the shortest route, to that Mini Game. If the Player collects an Extra Roll, on clicking the CONTINUE button, the window will disappear and the Extra Roll symbol will zoom into the foreground and move to the Rolls Left Indicator.

5. If the Farmer lands on a Mini Game Square one of 3 themed Mini Games will be displayed in the Game Play Window; Mini Game 1 "STABLES", Mini Game 2 "COW SHED" or Mini Game 3 "CHICKEN COOP"
a) Mini Game 1 'STABLES': The Player is presented with three Horses in their stable and hanging next to each is a bridle bag. Underneath these the instruction is as follows: 'Pick one bridle bag to reveal what's inside.' To play the Mini Game the Player should use his mouse to position his cursor over any one of the bridle bags and click. If the Player reveals a 'NO PRIZE' symbol an instruction will appear informing the Player to click 'CONTINUE' to resume the game. If the Player reveals an Extra Roll, a Prize Symbol, a
, or an Instant Prize, an instruction will appear informing the Player of one of the following outcomes:

- If the Player collects an Extra Roll, an instruction will inform the Player that he has been awarded an Extra Roll and the CONTINUE button will pulse to indicate that the Player should click this to continue the game. When the Player does so, the extra roll will be left on the Mini Game Square and will zoom into the foreground and move to the Rolls Left Indicator.
- If the Player collects one of the Prize Symbols, an instruction will inform the Player that he has collected that Prize Symbol and the CONTINUE button will pulse to indicate that the Player should click this to continue the game. When the Player does so, the Prize Symbol will be left on the Mini Game Square and will zoom into the foreground and move to the Prize Table.
- If the Player collects a
, an instruction will inform the Player that he has collected a 'Bonus' and the CONTINUE button will pulse to indicate that the Player should click this to continue the game. When the Player does so, the
will be left on the Mini Game Square and will zoom into the foreground and move to the Bonus Table.

- If the Player wins an Instant Prize, an instruction will inform the Player that he has won that Prize and the CONTINUE button will pulse to indicate that the Player should click this to continue the game. When the Player does so, the Instant Prize will be left on the Mini Game Square and will zoom into the foreground and move to the Instant Prize Table.
b) Mini Game 2 'COW SHED'. The Player is presented with six milk churns at the top of the Mini Game window, underneath which are two jugs labeled 'YOUR LEVEL' and 'THEIR LEVEL'. At the bottom of the Mini Game Window the instruction is as follows: 'Pick 3 of the 6 milk churns to pour into your jug. If YOUR LEVEL is higher than THEIR LEVEL collect PRIZE.' To play the Mini Game the Player should use his mouse to position his cursor over three of the six milk churns and the Prize and click. This can be done in any order the Player chooses. On doing so, the three chosen milk churns will empty into the YOUR LEVEL jug and the remaining three will empty into the THEIR LEVEL jug. If the YOUR LEVEL is higher than THEIR LEVEL, he will win the Prize shown and an instruction will appear informing the Player of one of the aforementioned outcomes in the STABLES Mini Game. If THEIR LEVEL is higher than YOUR LEVEL, an instruction will appear informing the Player to click 'CONTINUE' to resume the game.
c) Mini Game 3 'CHICKEN COOP'. The Player is presented with five hens and a Prize Motif to the right of them. Under the hens and to the right is a sign labeled 'EGGS' and to the left of this the instruction is as follows: 'Choose 3 hens to lay an egg. Match 3 EGGS to collect PRIZE.' To play the Mini Game the Player should use his mouse to position his cursor over three of the five hens and the Prize and click. This can be done in any order the Player chooses. If the player matches 3 EGGS, he will win the Prize shown and an instruction will appear informing the Player of one of the aforementioned outcomes in the STABLES Mini Game. If the Player does not match the 3 Eggs, an instruction will appear informing the Player to click 'CONTINUE' to resume the game.
A Player's Play ends when he has exhausted all his rolls of the die. A message will appear in the centre of the Game Play Window informing the Player of the total amount he has won if any (including any Instant Prize amounts, and/or Bonus Prize amounts, and/or Prize Table amounts) and detailing that he must 'Click FINISH to complete the game'.
The Player of a Play of this Game having completed a row in the Prize Table, and/or collected an Instant Prize, and/or collected two or more
shall, subject to the Rules, be entitled to a Prize as detailed in the table below:

Prize Amount | Approx. odds (1 in x) |
£2 | 7 |
£5 (Instant Prize) | 20 |
£7 (Bonus Prize) | 57 |
£7 (£2 + £5 (Instant Prize)) | 80 |
£10 | 100 |
£12 (£5 (Instant Prize) + £7 (Bonus Prize)) | 151 |
£15 (Bonus Prize) | 250 |
£17 (£2 + £5 (Instant Prize) + £10) | 91 |
£20 (Instant Prize (Mini Game)) | 1,000 |
£25 (Instant Prize) | 2,500 |
£25 (£10 + £15 (Bonus Prize)) | 20,000 |
£30 (£10 + £20 (Instant Prize MG)) | 50,000 |
£35 (£15 (Bonus Prize) + £20 (Instant Prize MG)) | 100,000 |
£50 (Instant Prize (Mini Game)) | 208,334 |
£60 (£10 + £50 (Instant Prize MG)) | 500,000 |
£500 | 833,334 |
£5,000 | 2,500,000 |
£50,000 | 2,500,000 |
Only one Prize Amount can be won per Play as detailed in the Prize Amounts and Odds table above.
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these Game Procedures - Farm a Fortune (of which the above How to Play section forms part) and any other information issued by the Company in respect of this Game, the Game Procedures - Farm a Fortune will prevail.
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