You can play this game at the national lottery site online
Treasures of the Deep
At the start of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying a young male character standing inside an open submarine and above the submarine is the instruction; 'Dive to the bottom of the ocean and collect precious treasure to win!'. To the right of the submarine is a dimmed down area containing; a) 7 rows of silhouettes made up of between 2 and 8 symbols (the 'Main Prize Table'), each row has one more symbol than the row below it and a monetary amount above the silhouettes for that row, b) 2 key symbol silhouettes beneath the monetary amount of £5 (the 'Key Prize Table') c) 3 broken pieces of amulet silhouettes beneath the monetary amount of £25 (the 'Amulet Prize Table') and d) a blank dimmed down box beneath the heading 'INSTANT PRIZES' (the 'Instant Prize Table').
Above the submarine hatch and beneath the male character, there is a gold 'START' button on a pulsing background.
The Player must use his mouse to position his cursor over the 'START' button and click to commence a Play.
Once the Player has clicked 'START', the male character waves, climbs into the submarine, shuts the hatch and then the submarine and main game instruction fade away to a black screen momentarily. The Prize Tables remain visible throughout this animation.
When the Main Game Screen fades in again, the Player is presented with a new play environment displaying the following;
a) A large window with fish swimming past (the 'Main Play Screen'), b) an air supply tank with 8 sections on it and an arrow labeled 'GOES LEFT' adjacent to the number 8 (the 'Goes Left Indicator'), c) a pulsing radar in the bottom left of the Game Play Window (the 'Radar') with 3 pulsing signals on it (the 'Signals'), and d) an instruction to the right of the Radar; 'Choose a signal on the radar to investigate. Collect treasure to win.'
The Player must use his mouse to position his cursor over any one of the 3 pulsing Signals on the Radar and click. On rollover of the Radar, the instruction will fade. If after a period of time, the Player has not clicked on anything in the game, the instruction will return to act as a prompt and show the Player that he has to click on one of the Signals to continue.
As soon as the Player clicks on his chosen Signal, the Goes Left Indicator will reduce by 1 and the animation in the Main Play Screen will show the submarine travelling forward along the seabed until it reaches a closed treasure chest - the chest will automatically open and from it will emerge either
• a piece of treasure (shield, gold bars, crown, starfish, gold coins, vase, mask, fish, emerald, seahorse, goblet, ring) which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to populate all the corresponding silhouettes in the Main Prize Table
• a key symbol which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to populate the first available key silhouette in the Key Prize Table
• a broken amulet symbol which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to populate the first available broken amulet silhouette in the Amulet Prize Table
• a gold monetary amount which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to populate the Instant Prizes Table. A gold highlight will surround the Instant Prize Table to show that the monetary amount has been won.
• a '1 EXTRA TURN' symbol which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to the Goes Left Indicator which will automatically increase by 1.
Alternatively, when the Player clicks on his chosen Signal, the Goes Left Indicator will reduce by 1 and the animation in the Main Play Screen will show the submarine travelling forward along the seabed until it reaches one of the following Mini Games set on the seabed.
Bottles Mini Game
The Player is presented with 3 glass bottles nestled into the sand and the instruction; 'Choose 1 of the 3 bottles to open.'
The Player must use his mouse to position his cursor on 1 of the 3 bottles and click. On doing so, a symbol will float out of the top of the bottle and rest beneath the message; 'Well Done! You have found some treasure. Click CONTINUE to return to the main game.' The Player can then click the gold CONTINUE button and the winning symbol will then populate the relevant Prize Table in main game screen.
If the Player chooses a bottle that is empty, they will be presented with the message; 'Bad Luck! You didn't find any treasure. Click CONTINUE to return to the main game.'
Valves Mini Game
The Player is presented with 5 valves amongst a series of pipe work and the instruction 'Choose 3 from 5 valves to open. Reveal 3 matching symbols to win a reward.'
The Player must use his mouse to position his cursor on 3 of the valves and click. On doing so, a symbol will be washed out of the pipes at the bottom of the Main Game Screen.
If the Player matches 3 like symbols, that symbol will appear beneath the message 'Well done! You have found some treasure. Click CONTINUE to return to the main game.' The Player can then click the gold CONTINUE button and the winning symbol will then populate the relevant Prize Table in main game screen.
If the Player does not match 3 like symbols, he will be presented with a message which reads; 'Bad Luck! You didn't find any treasure. Click CONTINUE to return to the main game.'
Treasures of the Deep
This Game ("the Game") is subject to these Game Procedures ("the Procedures"), the Rules for Interactive Instant Win Games ("the Rules") and the Interactive Account Terms and Conditions which can be found at the National Lottery website ( The meaning of any word or term in the Procedures shall be as defined in the Rules unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
Game Name: Treasures of the Deep
Game Price: £2.00
There is a 1 in 2.76 overall chance of winning a Prize on each Play of the Game. The Expected Prize Payout Percentage for this game is 66.00%.
By choosing "Continue" on the "Buy Instant Win Game" page a Player is committed to the purchase of a Play, and the value of the purchase will be deducted from his National Lottery Account.
In playing this Game, Players acknowledge that it is a game of chance, that the outcome of a Play in the Game is pre-determined by the Interactive System at the point of purchase, and that the winning of a Prize in the Game does not involve the exercise of any skill or judgement by a Player.
If a Player or a Prospective Player is playing the Try Game version of this Game they acknowledge that they are not purchasing a Play and therefore the Game Price is not relevant and there are no Prizes.
Play Style, Play Symbols and determining a Valid Winning Play for Treasures of the Deep
A Play Number is allocated to each Play, which can be found at the top right of the Game Play Window.
At the start of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying a young male character standing inside an open submarine and above the submarine is the instruction; 'Dive to the bottom of the ocean and collect precious treasure to win!'. To the right of the submarine is a dimmed down area containing; a) 7 rows of silhouettes made up of between 2 and 8 symbols (the 'Main Prize Table'), each row has one more symbol than the row below it and a monetary amount above the silhouettes for that row, b) 2 key symbol silhouettes beneath the monetary amount of £5 (the 'Key Prize Table') c) 3 broken pieces of amulet silhouettes beneath the monetary amount of £25 (the 'Amulet Prize Table') and d) a blank dimmed down box beneath the heading 'INSTANT PRIZES' (the 'Instant Prize Table').
Above the submarine hatch and beneath the male character, there is a gold 'START' button on a pulsing background.
The Player must use his mouse to position his cursor over the 'START' button and click to commence a Play.
Once the Player has clicked 'START', the male character waves, climbs into the submarine, shuts the hatch and then the submarine and main game instruction fade away to a black screen momentarily. The Prize Tables remain visible throughout this animation.
When the Main Game Screen fades in again, the Player is presented with a new play environment displaying the following;
a) A large window with fish swimming past (the 'Main Play Screen'), b) an air supply tank with 8 sections on it and an arrow labeled 'GOES LEFT' adjacent to the number 8 (the 'Goes Left Indicator'), c) a pulsing radar in the bottom left of the Game Play Window (the 'Radar') with 3 pulsing signals on it (the 'Signals'), and d) an instruction to the right of the Radar; 'Choose a signal on the radar to investigate. Collect treasure to win.'
The Player must use his mouse to position his cursor over any one of the 3 pulsing Signals on the Radar and click. On rollover of the Radar, the instruction will fade. If after a period of time, the Player has not clicked on anything in the game, the instruction will return to act as a prompt and show the Player that he has to click on one of the Signals to continue.
As soon as the Player clicks on his chosen Signal, the Goes Left Indicator will reduce by 1 and the animation in the Main Play Screen will show the submarine travelling forward along the seabed until it reaches a closed treasure chest - the chest will automatically open and from it will emerge either
• a piece of treasure (shield, gold bars, crown, starfish, gold coins, vase, mask, fish, emerald, seahorse, goblet, ring) which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to populate all the corresponding silhouettes in the Main Prize Table
• a key symbol which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to populate the first available key silhouette in the Key Prize Table
• a broken amulet symbol which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to populate the first available broken amulet silhouette in the Amulet Prize Table
• a gold monetary amount which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to populate the Instant Prizes Table. A gold highlight will surround the Instant Prize Table to show that the monetary amount has been won.
• a '1 EXTRA TURN' symbol which will zoom in to the centre of the Main Play Screen and then slide across to the Goes Left Indicator which will automatically increase by 1.
Alternatively, when the Player clicks on his chosen Signal, the Goes Left Indicator will reduce by 1 and the animation in the Main Play Screen will show the submarine travelling forward along the seabed until it reaches one of the following Mini Games set on the seabed.
Bottles Mini Game
The Player is presented with 3 glass bottles nestled into the sand and the instruction; 'Choose 1 of the 3 bottles to open.'
The Player must use his mouse to position his cursor on 1 of the 3 bottles and click. On doing so, a symbol will float out of the top of the bottle and rest beneath the message; 'Well Done! You have found some treasure. Click CONTINUE to return to the main game.' The Player can then click the gold CONTINUE button and the winning symbol will then populate the relevant Prize Table in main game screen.
If the Player chooses a bottle that is empty, they will be presented with the message; 'Bad Luck! You didn't find any treasure. Click CONTINUE to return to the main game.'
Valves Mini Game
The Player is presented with 5 valves amongst a series of pipe work and the instruction 'Choose 3 from 5 valves to open. Reveal 3 matching symbols to win a reward.'
The Player must use his mouse to position his cursor on 3 of the valves and click. On doing so, a symbol will be washed out of the pipes at the bottom of the Main Game Screen.
If the Player matches 3 like symbols, that symbol will appear beneath the message 'Well done! You have found some treasure. Click CONTINUE to return to the main game.' The Player can then click the gold CONTINUE button and the winning symbol will then populate the relevant Prize Table in main game screen.
If the Player does not match 3 like symbols, he will be presented with a message which reads; 'Bad Luck! You didn't find any treasure. Click CONTINUE to return to the main game.'
If at any stage, the Player completes a row in the Main Prize Table, the Key Prize Table or the Amulet Prize Table, a gold highlight will surround the winning row to show that the monetary amount for that row has been won.
When the Player has used up all his goes as illustrated by the Goes Left Indicator, the Main Game Screen will fade away to a black screen momentarily and then show the submarine back on the surface of the water where the male character emerges from the hatch to confirm whether the player won.
The Player of a Play of this Game having revealed a row of symbols in the Main Prize Table, and/or completed the Key Prize Table, and/or completed the Amulet Prize Table, and/or revealed an Instant Prize at any stage of the game, shall, subject to the Rules, be entitled to a Prize as detailed in the table below:
Prize Amounts and Odds Prize Amount Approx. odds (1 in x)
£2 8
£2 10
£5 15
£7 (£2 + £5) 25
£10 153
£17 (£2 + £5 + £10) 250
£20 2,000
£25 5,000
£25 (£20 + £5) 4,000
£30 (£25 + £5) 5,000
£30 (£20 + £10) 5,000
£50 (£20 + £25 + £5) 8,000
£50 8,000
£70 (£20 + £50) 15,000
£100 20,000
£150 (£100 + £50) 100,000
£500 300,000
£1,000 500,000
£10,000 1,500,000
£60,000 3,000,000
Only one Prize Amount can be won per Play as detailed in the Prize Amounts and Odds table above.
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these Game Procedures - Treasures of the Deep (of which the above How to Play section forms part) and any other information issued by the Company in respect of this Game, the Game Procedures - Treasures of the Deep will prevail.
If at any stage, the Player completes a row in the Main Prize Table, the Key Prize Table or the Amulet Prize Table, a gold highlight will surround the winning row to show that the monetary amount for that row has been won.
When the Player has used up all his goes as illustrated by the Goes Left Indicator, the Main Game Screen will fade away to a black screen momentarily and then show the submarine back on the surface of the water where the male character emerges from the hatch to confirm whether the player won.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Lotto plus 5
Today sees the launch of Lotto Plus 5, the exciting new game that you play using your Lotto numbers.
It's easy to play - simply tick the new 'Plus 5' box on your Lotto play slip and for £1 extra you'll be entered into five Lotto Plus 5 draws starting the day after your chosen Lotto draw.
Plus 5 your Saturday Lotto numbers and you'll be entered into five Lotto Plus 5 draws starting from Sunday onwards.
Plus 5 your Wednesday Lotto numbers and you'll be entered into five Lotto Plus 5 draws starting from Thursday onwards.
Please note that, if you Plus 5 BOTH your Saturday and Wednesday Lotto numbers on the same play slip, you'll be entered into five Lotto Plus 5 draws starting the day after the next Lotto draw.
There are fixed prizes ranging from £2.50 to £250,000** in each of the five draws. And just like with Lotto, you win by matching three or more numbers. What's more, Lotto Plus 5 has the potential to create an additional 500,000 winners every single week*!
The first Lotto Plus 5 draw takes place on Sunday 13th February; results will be available on the website from around 8pm.
Five chances to win throughout the week for only £1 extra
It's easy to play - simply tick the new 'Plus 5' box on your Lotto play slip and for £1 extra you'll be entered into five Lotto Plus 5 draws starting the day after your chosen Lotto draw.
Plus 5 your Saturday Lotto numbers and you'll be entered into five Lotto Plus 5 draws starting from Sunday onwards.
Plus 5 your Wednesday Lotto numbers and you'll be entered into five Lotto Plus 5 draws starting from Thursday onwards.
Please note that, if you Plus 5 BOTH your Saturday and Wednesday Lotto numbers on the same play slip, you'll be entered into five Lotto Plus 5 draws starting the day after the next Lotto draw.
There are fixed prizes ranging from £2.50 to £250,000** in each of the five draws. And just like with Lotto, you win by matching three or more numbers. What's more, Lotto Plus 5 has the potential to create an additional 500,000 winners every single week*!
The first Lotto Plus 5 draw takes place on Sunday 13th February; results will be available on the website from around 8pm.
Five chances to win throughout the week for only £1 extra
Friday, 17 December 2010
Games you can play at the national lottery
National Lottery

Lottery Draw Games
Dream Number
Lotto Hotpicks
Daily Play
Instant Wins
Bank Roll
Big Money
Buried Treasure
Cars and Cash
Cash Drop
Cash Grid
Christmas Bonanza
Christmas Presents 70K
Classic Snakes & ladders
Connect 4
Deal or No Deal
Dice Roll
Double Winning 7s
Firework Fortune
Get Lucky
Happy Christmas
Lucky Lucky Lucky
Monopoly 3D
Meteor Money
Monopoly Gold Edition
Noughts & Crosses on Ice
Pharaoh's Treasure
Piggy Bank
Pinball Payout
Pluck a Duck
Scrabble Deluxe
Snakes and Ladders
Super 7s
Triple Your Luck
Winning 7s
Winter Winner
£10,000 a Month for a Year
£100,000 Christmas
Lottery Draw Games
Dream Number
Lotto Hotpicks
Daily Play
Instant Wins
Bank Roll
Big Money
Buried Treasure
Cars and Cash
Cash Drop
Cash Grid
Christmas Bonanza
Christmas Presents 70K
Classic Snakes & ladders
Connect 4
Deal or No Deal
Dice Roll
Double Winning 7s
Firework Fortune
Get Lucky
Happy Christmas
Lucky Lucky Lucky
Monopoly 3D
Meteor Money
Monopoly Gold Edition
Noughts & Crosses on Ice
Pharaoh's Treasure
Piggy Bank
Pinball Payout
Pluck a Duck
Scrabble Deluxe
Snakes and Ladders
Super 7s
Triple Your Luck
Winning 7s
Winter Winner
£10,000 a Month for a Year
£100,000 Christmas
Monday, 29 November 2010
Lottery results
Lotto results
Lotto - The UK's biggest millionaire-making game
Next est. jackpot is £11,200,000
Lotto is the UK's biggest millionaire-making game. Simply choose 6 lucky numbers to win.
Fingers crossed.
For everything you need to know about Lotto watch our video guide.
Draw 1558 Sat 27 Nov 10
Bonus Ball
4 10 18 41 42 47 8
Draw 1557 Wed 24 Nov 10
Bonus Ball
11 30 38 45 46 49 37
Dream Number results
Dream Number - Play your part. London 2012 - Be part of it
Win up to £500,000
Match the digits drawn in the same order as your Dream Number, reading from left to right, and starting with the first digit, to win up to £500,000.
Give your Dream Number its chance.
Draw 457 Sat 27 Nov 10
7 7 9 1 4 2 6
Draw 456 Wed 24 Nov 10
7 9 0 8 1 7 0
EuroMillions results
EuroMillions - Jackpots too big to miss
Next est. jackpot is £12,000,000
EuroMillions is Europe's biggest ever rolling jackpot game. With our biggest jackpot to date reaching £125 million.
Bonne chance.
For everything you need to know about EuroMillions watch our video guide.
Draw 355 Fri 26 Nov 10
Lucky Stars
9 28 36 41 49 5 7
Millionaire Raffle
Y D W 3 7 5 2 4 3
Thunderball results
Thunderball - Best chance to win £500k on a £1 game
Win up to £500,000
Thunderball offers you the best chance of winning up to £500,000 on a £1 National Lottery game - the top prize is fixed and it never has to be shared*.
Something big could happen to you.
Draw 1051 Sat 27 Nov 10
7 9 10 20 37 13
Draw 1050 Fri 26 Nov 10
10 14 16 26 31 9
Draw 1049 Wed 24 Nov 10
7 15 32 37 38 11
Lotto HotPicks results
Lotto HotPicks - Bigger Lotto prizes for fewer Lotto numbers
Win up to £130,000
Lotto HotPicks gives you the chance to win bigger Lotto prizes for fewer Lotto numbers. Match your Lotto HotPicks numbers against the Lotto draw.
Easy peasy.
Draw 1558 Sat 27 Nov 10
4 10 18 41 42 47
Draw 1557 Wed 24 Nov 10
11 30 38 45 46 49
Daily Play results
Daily Play - Day dream... Win up to £30,000 daily*
Win up to £30,000 daily*
Why wait for your dreams to come true? Just choose 7 lucky numbers and Daily Play gives you the chance to win prizes up to £30,000 every day*.
Now that's well worth getting out of bed for.
Draw 2244 Sat 27 Nov 10
2 5 6 17 20 21 24
Draw 2243 Fri 26 Nov 10
6 12 13 14 15 19 20
Draw 2242 Thu 25 Nov 10
1 6 7 10 13 23 24
Draw 2241 Wed 24 Nov 10
1 2 9 16 18 20 26
Draw 2240 Tue 23 Nov 10
2 4 8 20 22 25 27
Draw 2239 Mon 22 Nov 10
2 3 4 5 8 12 15
Lotto - The UK's biggest millionaire-making game
Next est. jackpot is £11,200,000
Lotto is the UK's biggest millionaire-making game. Simply choose 6 lucky numbers to win.
Fingers crossed.
For everything you need to know about Lotto watch our video guide.
Draw 1558 Sat 27 Nov 10
Bonus Ball
4 10 18 41 42 47 8
Draw 1557 Wed 24 Nov 10
Bonus Ball
11 30 38 45 46 49 37
Dream Number results
Dream Number - Play your part. London 2012 - Be part of it
Win up to £500,000
Match the digits drawn in the same order as your Dream Number, reading from left to right, and starting with the first digit, to win up to £500,000.
Give your Dream Number its chance.
Draw 457 Sat 27 Nov 10
7 7 9 1 4 2 6
Draw 456 Wed 24 Nov 10
7 9 0 8 1 7 0
EuroMillions results
EuroMillions - Jackpots too big to miss
Next est. jackpot is £12,000,000
EuroMillions is Europe's biggest ever rolling jackpot game. With our biggest jackpot to date reaching £125 million.
Bonne chance.
For everything you need to know about EuroMillions watch our video guide.
Draw 355 Fri 26 Nov 10
Lucky Stars
9 28 36 41 49 5 7
Millionaire Raffle
Y D W 3 7 5 2 4 3
Thunderball results
Thunderball - Best chance to win £500k on a £1 game
Win up to £500,000
Thunderball offers you the best chance of winning up to £500,000 on a £1 National Lottery game - the top prize is fixed and it never has to be shared*.
Something big could happen to you.
Draw 1051 Sat 27 Nov 10
7 9 10 20 37 13
Draw 1050 Fri 26 Nov 10
10 14 16 26 31 9
Draw 1049 Wed 24 Nov 10
7 15 32 37 38 11
Lotto HotPicks results
Lotto HotPicks - Bigger Lotto prizes for fewer Lotto numbers
Win up to £130,000
Lotto HotPicks gives you the chance to win bigger Lotto prizes for fewer Lotto numbers. Match your Lotto HotPicks numbers against the Lotto draw.
Easy peasy.
Draw 1558 Sat 27 Nov 10
4 10 18 41 42 47
Draw 1557 Wed 24 Nov 10
11 30 38 45 46 49
Daily Play results
Daily Play - Day dream... Win up to £30,000 daily*
Win up to £30,000 daily*
Why wait for your dreams to come true? Just choose 7 lucky numbers and Daily Play gives you the chance to win prizes up to £30,000 every day*.
Now that's well worth getting out of bed for.
Draw 2244 Sat 27 Nov 10
2 5 6 17 20 21 24
Draw 2243 Fri 26 Nov 10
6 12 13 14 15 19 20
Draw 2242 Thu 25 Nov 10
1 6 7 10 13 23 24
Draw 2241 Wed 24 Nov 10
1 2 9 16 18 20 26
Draw 2240 Tue 23 Nov 10
2 4 8 20 22 25 27
Draw 2239 Mon 22 Nov 10
2 3 4 5 8 12 15
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Christmas Bonanza Scratch card
Christmas Bonanza
£11 won on this one!
Christmas Bonanza Scratch card at the National Lottery
At the start of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying three games: Game 1, Game 2 and Game 3. The Games can be played in any order.
Game 1Game 1 is located to the left of the Game Play Window and consists of six Christmas stockings (the 'Stockings'). The instruction for Game 1 is as follows: 'Match 3 like amounts to win one of those amounts'.
Game 2
Game 2 is located to the right of the Game Play Window and consists of a Christmas Tree (the 'Tree') displaying six Christmas baubles (the 'Baubles') above which are the words 'YOUR SYMBOLS'. Beneath each Bauble is a Christmas cracker (the 'Cracker') containing the word 'PRIZE'. At the top of the Tree is a star containing a question mark (the 'Star'), beneath which are the words 'LUCKY SYMBOL'. The instruction for Game 2 is as follows: 'Match any of YOUR SYMBOLS to the LUCKY SYMBOL to win PRIZE'.
Game 3
Game 3 is located to the bottom left of the Game Play Window and consists of four Christmas presents (the 'Presents') and a Cracker containing the word 'PRIZE'. The instruction for Game 3 is as follows: 'Pick 2 presents, find 2 identical symbols to win PRIZE'.
At the bottom right of the Game Play Window is a rectangular frame (the 'Instant Prize Panel') which displays the following words: 'Find a

To commence a Play, the Player must use his mouse to position his cursor over either a Stocking, a Bauble, the Star, a Present or Cracker and click. On doing so the following will happen:
Game 1
When the Player clicks on a Stocking, a tag will appear from the Stocking displaying either a monetary amount or a

Game 2
When the Player clicks on the Star, a lucky symbol ('Lucky Symbol') will be revealed. When the Player clicks on a Bauble, either a Your Symbol ('Your Symbol') or a

Game 3
When a Player clicks on a Present, either a gift symbol or a

When the Player's Play ends, a message will appear in the Game Play Window informing the Player of the amount he has won, if any, and detailing that he must click 'FINISH GAME' to complete the game.
Christmas Bonanza
This Game ("the Game") is subject to these Game Procedures ("the Procedures"), the Rules for Interactive Instant Win Games ("the Rules") and the Interactive Account Terms and Conditions which can be found at the National Lottery website ( The meaning of any word or term in the Procedures shall be as defined in the Rules unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
Game Name: Christmas BonanzaGame Price: £2.00
There is a 1 in 2.96 overall chance of winning a Prize on each Play of the Game. The Expected Prize Payout Percentage for this game is 70%.
By choosing "Continue" on the "Buy Instant Win Game" page a Player is committed to the purchase of a Play, and the value of the purchase will be deducted from his National Lottery Account.
In playing this Game, Players acknowledge that it is a game of chance, that the outcome of a Play in the Game is pre-determined by the Interactive System at the point of purchase, and that the winning of a Prize in the Game does not involve the exercise of any skill or judgement by a Player.
If a Player or a Prospective Player is playing the Try Game version of this Game they acknowledge that they are not purchasing a Play and therefore the Game Price is not relevant and there are no prizes.
Play Style, Play Symbols and determining a Valid Winning Play for Christmas Bonanza
A Play Number is allocated to each Play, which can be found at the top right of the Game Play Window.
At the start of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying three games: Game 1, Game 2 and Game 3. The Games can be played in any order.
Game 1
Game 1 is located to the left of the Game Play Window and consists of six Christmas stockings (the 'Stockings'). The instruction for Game 1 is as follows: 'Match 3 like amounts to win one of those amounts'.
Game 2
Game 2 is located to the right of the Game Play Window and consists of a Christmas Tree (the 'Tree') displaying six Christmas baubles (the 'Baubles') above which are the words 'YOUR SYMBOLS'. Beneath each Bauble is a Christmas cracker (the 'Cracker') containing the word 'PRIZE'. At the top of the Tree is a star containing a question mark (the 'Star'), beneath which are the words 'LUCKY SYMBOL'. The instruction for Game 2 is as follows: 'Match any of YOUR SYMBOLS to the LUCKY SYMBOL to win PRIZE'.
Game 3
Game 3 is located to the bottom left of the Game Play Window and consists of four Christmas presents (the 'Presents') and a Cracker containing the word 'PRIZE'. The instruction for Game 3 is as follows: 'Pick 2 presents, find 2 identical symbols to win PRIZE'.
At the bottom right of the Game Play Window is a rectangular frame (the 'Instant Prize Panel') which displays the following words: 'Find a

To commence a Play, the Player must use his mouse to position his cursor over either a Stocking, a Bauble, the Star, a Present or Cracker and click. On doing so the following will happen:
Game 1
When the Player clicks on a Stocking, a tag will appear from the Stocking displaying either a monetary amount or a

Game 2
When the Player clicks on the Star, a lucky symbol ('Lucky Symbol') will be revealed. When the Player clicks on a Bauble, either a Your Symbol ('Your Symbol') or a

Game 3
When a Player clicks on a Present, either a gift symbol or a

When the Player's Play ends, a message will appear in the Game Play Window informing the Player of the amount he has won, if any, and detailing that he must click 'FINISH GAME' to complete the game.
The Player of a Play of this Game having revealed three matching amounts in Game 1; and/or matched any of the Your Symbols to the Lucky Symbol in Game 2; and/or matched two identical symbols in Game 3; and/or revealed a

Prize Amount | Approx. odds (1 in x) |
£2 | 6 |
£3 | 12 |
£5 (£2 + £3) | 20 |
£6 | 200 |
£8 | 125 |
£9 (£6 + £3) | 300 |
£10 | 400 |
£11 (£6 + £3 + £2) | 800 |
£12 | 500 |
£15 (£10 + £3 + £2) | 100 |
£20 | 600 |
£40 | 800 |
£50 (£20 + £12 + £10 + £8) | 1,000 |
£60 | 2,800 |
£75 (£40 + £12 + £10 +£8 + £3 + £2) | 5,805 |
£80 | 7,000 |
£100 | 10,000 |
£150 (£60 + £40 + £20 + £12 + £10 + £6 + £2) | 50,000 |
£250 | 100,000 |
£1,000 | 500,000 |
£1,500 (£1,000 + £250 + £100 + £60 + £40 + £20 + £12 + £10 + £8) | 875,000 |
£10,000 | 1,750,000 |
£85,000 | 3,500,000 |
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these Game Procedures - Christmas Bonanza (of which the above How to Play section forms part) and any other information issued by the Company in respect of this Game, the Game Procedures - Christmas Bonanza will prevail.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Firework Fortune
Play Firework Fortune atNational Lottery
In order to complete a Play, the Player must click on six of the nine boxes, which can be done in any order. If the Player matches three like amounts in the sky, then they will stay bright while the other amounts fade out to indicate that the Player has won one of those amounts.
At the end of a Play, a message will appear to the bottom left of the Game Play Window informing the Player of the amount he has won, if any and directing him to 'CLICK FINISH TO COMPLETE GAME'.
Game Price: £1.00
There is a 1 in 3.65 overall chance of winning a Prize on each Play of the Game. The Expected Prize Payout Percentage for this game is 60.00%.
By choosing "Continue" on the "Buy Instant Win Game" page a Player is committed to the purchase of a Play, and the value of the purchase will be deducted from his National Lottery Account.
In playing this Game, Players acknowledge that it is a game of chance, that the outcome of a Play in the Game is pre-determined by the Interactive System at the point of purchase, and that the winning of a Prize in the Game does not involve the exercise of any skill or judgement by a Player.
If a Player or a Prospective Player is playing the Try Game version of this Game they acknowledge that they are not purchasing a Play and therefore the Game Price is not relevant and there are no Prizes.
Play Style, Play Symbols and determining a Valid Winning Play for Firework Fortune
A Play Number is allocated to each Play, which can be found at the top right of the Game Play Window.
At the beginning of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying 9 boxes labeled 1-9, each attached to a firework. To the left of the Game Play Window the instruction is as follows: 'CLICK SIX OF THE NINE BOXES TO FIRE THE FIREWORKS AND REVEAL CASH AMOUNTS. MATCH 3 LIKE AMOUNTS TO WIN'.
To commence a Play, the Player must position his cursor over one of the boxes and click. On doing so, the firework attached to that box will fire into the sky and reveal a monetary amount.
In order to complete a Play, the Player must click on six of the nine boxes, which can be done in any order. If the Player matches three like amounts in the sky, then they will stay bright while the other amounts fade out to indicate that the Player has won one of those amounts.
At the end of a Play, a message will appear to the bottom left of the Game Play Window informing the Player of the amount he has won, if any and directing him to 'CLICK FINISH TO COMPLETE GAME'.
The Player of a Play of this Game, having matched three like amounts shall, subject to the Rules, be entitled to a Prize as detailed in the table below:
Only one Prize Amount can be won per Play as detailed in the Prize Amounts and Odds table above.
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these Game Procedures - Firework Fortune (of which the above How to Play section forms part) and any other information issued by the Company in respect of this Game, the Game Procedures - Firework Fortune will prevail.
Firework Fortune
At the beginning of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying 9 boxes labeled 1-9, each attached to a firework. To the left of the Game Play Window the instruction is as follows: 'CLICK SIX OF THE NINE BOXES TO FIRE THE FIREWORKS AND REVEAL CASH AMOUNTS. MATCH 3 LIKE AMOUNTS TO WIN'.
To commence a Play, the Player must position his cursor over one of the boxes and click. On doing so, the firework attached to that box will fire into the sky and reveal a monetary amount.In order to complete a Play, the Player must click on six of the nine boxes, which can be done in any order. If the Player matches three like amounts in the sky, then they will stay bright while the other amounts fade out to indicate that the Player has won one of those amounts.
At the end of a Play, a message will appear to the bottom left of the Game Play Window informing the Player of the amount he has won, if any and directing him to 'CLICK FINISH TO COMPLETE GAME'.
Firework Fortune
This Game ("the Game") is subject to these Game Procedures ("the Procedures"), the Rules for Interactive Instant Win Games ("the Rules") and the Interactive Account Terms and Conditions which can be found at the National Lottery website ( The meaning of any word or term in the Procedures shall be as defined in the Rules unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
Game Name: Firework FortuneGame Price: £1.00
There is a 1 in 3.65 overall chance of winning a Prize on each Play of the Game. The Expected Prize Payout Percentage for this game is 60.00%.
By choosing "Continue" on the "Buy Instant Win Game" page a Player is committed to the purchase of a Play, and the value of the purchase will be deducted from his National Lottery Account.
In playing this Game, Players acknowledge that it is a game of chance, that the outcome of a Play in the Game is pre-determined by the Interactive System at the point of purchase, and that the winning of a Prize in the Game does not involve the exercise of any skill or judgement by a Player.
If a Player or a Prospective Player is playing the Try Game version of this Game they acknowledge that they are not purchasing a Play and therefore the Game Price is not relevant and there are no Prizes.
Play Style, Play Symbols and determining a Valid Winning Play for Firework Fortune
A Play Number is allocated to each Play, which can be found at the top right of the Game Play Window.
At the beginning of a Play, the Player is presented with a Game Play Window displaying 9 boxes labeled 1-9, each attached to a firework. To the left of the Game Play Window the instruction is as follows: 'CLICK SIX OF THE NINE BOXES TO FIRE THE FIREWORKS AND REVEAL CASH AMOUNTS. MATCH 3 LIKE AMOUNTS TO WIN'.
To commence a Play, the Player must position his cursor over one of the boxes and click. On doing so, the firework attached to that box will fire into the sky and reveal a monetary amount.
In order to complete a Play, the Player must click on six of the nine boxes, which can be done in any order. If the Player matches three like amounts in the sky, then they will stay bright while the other amounts fade out to indicate that the Player has won one of those amounts.
At the end of a Play, a message will appear to the bottom left of the Game Play Window informing the Player of the amount he has won, if any and directing him to 'CLICK FINISH TO COMPLETE GAME'.
The Player of a Play of this Game, having matched three like amounts shall, subject to the Rules, be entitled to a Prize as detailed in the table below:
Prize Amount | Approx. odds (1 in x) |
£1 | 6 |
£2 | 18 |
£5 | 25 |
£10 | 200 |
£15 | 500 |
£25 | 2,000 |
£55 | 10,000 |
£155 | 50,000 |
£555 | 100,000 |
£5,555 | 500,000 |
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these Game Procedures - Firework Fortune (of which the above How to Play section forms part) and any other information issued by the Company in respect of this Game, the Game Procedures - Firework Fortune will prevail.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Results for the national lottery
Lotto results
Lotto - The UK's biggest millionaire-making game
Next est. jackpot is £8,000,000
Lotto is the UK's biggest millionaire-making game. Simply choose 6 lucky numbers to win.
Fingers crossed.
For everything you need to know about Lotto watch our video guide.
Draw 1546 Sat 16 Oct 10
Bonus Ball
6 30 34 38 45 48 32
Draw 1545 Wed 13 Oct 10
Bonus Ball
18 19 24 26 27 44 8
Dream Number results
Dream Number - Play your part. London 2012 - Be part of it
Win up to £500,000
Match the digits drawn in the same order as your Dream Number, reading from left to right, and starting with the first digit, to win up to £500,000.
Give your Dream Number its chance.
Draw 445 Sat 16 Oct 10
2 9 2 7 4 4 4
Draw 444 Wed 13 Oct 10
7 2 8 7 6 6 0
EuroMillions results
EuroMillions - Jackpots too big to miss
Next est. jackpot is £25,000,000
EuroMillions is Europe's biggest ever rolling jackpot game. With our biggest jackpot to date reaching £125 million.
Bonne chance.
For everything you need to know about EuroMillions watch our video guide.
Draw 349 Fri 15 Oct 10
Lucky Stars
2 31 36 38 43 3 7
Millionaire Raffle
R Z Y 3 5 5 6 6 7
Thunderball results
Thunderball - Best chance to win £500k on a £1 game
Win up to £500,000
Thunderball offers you the best chance of winning up to £500,000 on a £1 National Lottery game - the top prize is fixed and it never has to be shared*.
Something big could happen to you.
Draw 1033 Sat 16 Oct 10
10 14 20 23 26 3
Draw 1032 Fri 15 Oct 10
5 8 26 31 32 8
Draw 1031 Wed 13 Oct 10
6 13 25 26 34 14
Lotto HotPicks results
Lotto HotPicks - Bigger Lotto prizes for fewer Lotto numbers
Win up to £130,000
Lotto HotPicks gives you the chance to win bigger Lotto prizes for fewer Lotto numbers. Match your Lotto HotPicks numbers against the Lotto draw.
Easy peasy.
Draw 1546 Sat 16 Oct 10
6 30 34 38 45 48
Draw 1545 Wed 13 Oct 10
18 19 24 26 27 44
Daily Play results
Daily Play - Day dream... Win up to £30,000 daily*
Win up to £30,000 daily*
Why wait for your dreams to come true? Just choose 7 lucky numbers and Daily Play gives you the chance to win prizes up to £30,000 every day*.
Now that's well worth getting out of bed for.
Draw 2208 Sat 16 Oct 10
1 3 12 16 19 20 25
Draw 2207 Fri 15 Oct 10
9 10 11 16 18 22 24
Draw 2206 Thu 14 Oct 10
1 2 4 7 10 22 25
Draw 2205 Wed 13 Oct 10
1 4 5 7 9 12 21
Draw 2204 Tue 12 Oct 10
4 6 10 11 17 18 26
Draw 2203 Mon 11 Oct 10
7 9 11 12 18 21 23
Lotto - The UK's biggest millionaire-making game
Next est. jackpot is £8,000,000
Lotto is the UK's biggest millionaire-making game. Simply choose 6 lucky numbers to win.
Fingers crossed.
For everything you need to know about Lotto watch our video guide.
Draw 1546 Sat 16 Oct 10
Bonus Ball
6 30 34 38 45 48 32
Draw 1545 Wed 13 Oct 10
Bonus Ball
18 19 24 26 27 44 8
Dream Number results
Dream Number - Play your part. London 2012 - Be part of it
Win up to £500,000
Match the digits drawn in the same order as your Dream Number, reading from left to right, and starting with the first digit, to win up to £500,000.
Give your Dream Number its chance.
Draw 445 Sat 16 Oct 10
2 9 2 7 4 4 4
Draw 444 Wed 13 Oct 10
7 2 8 7 6 6 0
EuroMillions results
EuroMillions - Jackpots too big to miss
Next est. jackpot is £25,000,000
EuroMillions is Europe's biggest ever rolling jackpot game. With our biggest jackpot to date reaching £125 million.
Bonne chance.
For everything you need to know about EuroMillions watch our video guide.
Draw 349 Fri 15 Oct 10
Lucky Stars
2 31 36 38 43 3 7
Millionaire Raffle
R Z Y 3 5 5 6 6 7
Thunderball results
Thunderball - Best chance to win £500k on a £1 game
Win up to £500,000
Thunderball offers you the best chance of winning up to £500,000 on a £1 National Lottery game - the top prize is fixed and it never has to be shared*.
Something big could happen to you.
Draw 1033 Sat 16 Oct 10
10 14 20 23 26 3
Draw 1032 Fri 15 Oct 10
5 8 26 31 32 8
Draw 1031 Wed 13 Oct 10
6 13 25 26 34 14
Lotto HotPicks results
Lotto HotPicks - Bigger Lotto prizes for fewer Lotto numbers
Win up to £130,000
Lotto HotPicks gives you the chance to win bigger Lotto prizes for fewer Lotto numbers. Match your Lotto HotPicks numbers against the Lotto draw.
Easy peasy.
Draw 1546 Sat 16 Oct 10
6 30 34 38 45 48
Draw 1545 Wed 13 Oct 10
18 19 24 26 27 44
Daily Play results
Daily Play - Day dream... Win up to £30,000 daily*
Win up to £30,000 daily*
Why wait for your dreams to come true? Just choose 7 lucky numbers and Daily Play gives you the chance to win prizes up to £30,000 every day*.
Now that's well worth getting out of bed for.
Draw 2208 Sat 16 Oct 10
1 3 12 16 19 20 25
Draw 2207 Fri 15 Oct 10
9 10 11 16 18 22 24
Draw 2206 Thu 14 Oct 10
1 2 4 7 10 22 25
Draw 2205 Wed 13 Oct 10
1 4 5 7 9 12 21
Draw 2204 Tue 12 Oct 10
4 6 10 11 17 18 26
Draw 2203 Mon 11 Oct 10
7 9 11 12 18 21 23
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